I submitted Titanium for Publication...
My friends,
I am happy to announce that a few minutes ago I pulled the trigger on Titanium: The Path to Recovery..jpg)
Both editions will be available for sale on Amazon.com. With any luck, the e-book edition should be available in three days (by Wednesday). The paperback should be available for sale between Wednesday and Saturday. I will send out another note as soon as I see them listed.
I must admit that I’m both excited and nervous. I’m excited because I’ve never done anything like this and, despite all my research, am not sure what to expect. I’m nervous (terrified?) because I am naturally a private person, and I’m sharing PERSONAL STUFF with the WORLD!
What possessed me to do such a thing? It would have been easier to do nothing. Except. There are many reasons not to do something, and often, only one reason to do it. Most of you who know me understand that I don’t do things only because they are easy or avoid them just because they are hard. In this case, I firmly believe that what happened to me could have happened to anyone. So many of us have no clue what happens after a trauma. I thought I was prepared, and it was still hard. Those thoughts gave me the determination to press the “publish” button when my nerves almost got the better of me.
Well, for better or worse, Titanium will be out there this week. If you haven't had a chance to read the first chapter, or view the video clip, they are on www.charlesjijon.com.
Thank you for traveling on this path with me.
Charles Jijon